Wildcard Table Input
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    Wildcard Table Input

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    Article Summary

    This article is specific to the following platforms - BigQuery.

    Wildcard Table Input

    BigQuery allows the creation of 'Wildcard' tables that combines all tables found through a wildcard expression.

    A wildcard expression can be any string followed by the wildcard character (*) that will then represent any other possible string. Thus, for example, using the wildcard expression Flights_20* might return Flights_2014, Flights_2015, Flights_2016 and Flights_20Temp as a single, united table.

    For full information, see the Google Cloud Platform documentation target="_blank">wildcard tables and querying wildcard tables.


    NameTextA human-readable name for the component.
    ProjectSelectSelect the Google Cloud project. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the project defined in the environment.
    For more information, refer to the Creating and managing projects.
    DatasetSelectSelect the Google BigQuery dataset to load data into. The special value, [Environment Default], will use the dataset defined in the environment.
    For more information, refer to the Introduction to datasets.
    Table PrefixStringA prefix that all united tables must have. The wildcard character is positioned exactly after this prefix.
    Include Table SuffixSelectYes: The remaining string after the table prefix is removed from each table name is to be given in a column, showing the origin table of each row.
    No: Do not store suffixes in the wildcard table.
    Table Suffix Column NameStringName of the column where table suffixes are listed. Property only visible if Include Table Suffix is Yes.
    Where ClauseStringAdds an option freeform SQL filter that is appended to the SELECT statement generated by the component. This allows a user to filter which tables the component unions.

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